Drug addiction tends to remove one from the various spheres of activity he was involved in prior to addiction. Fixation in nature implies this. The addicted person is so focused on one single thing, he falls out of touch with his job, his family, his groups, his possessions. And yes, even with his spiritual community.
Rehabilitation itself is more than just bringing a person back to a drug-free state. It is allowing him to reconnect, re-establish himself and once again find purpose in life. Christian Drug Rehab doesn’t just correspond with Christian beliefs during the treatment process, it reinstates one’s purpose in believing in God and finding strength through spiritual communities.
How a Christian Rehab Program Works
Christian Drug Rehab is a very broad category of rehabilitation, and each program will differ from one another, but the fundamentals remain fairly consistent throughout. Some Christian treatment centers offer a version of the 12-step program infused with Christian doctrine and teachings. Included in this program could be things like Bible studies several nights a week, local church visits and participation in church group activities.
Christian Rehab isn’t just for people who have lost sight of God. It is for anyone who wishes to begin, continue or rekindle their faith as a way to achieve a successful recovery. This means it’s also for non-Christians, although this is possibly misleading. You can come into a Christian rehab as a non-Christian, but don’t expect the process to be a secular one. The very basis of the Christian treatment method is that an individual can’t overcome addiction by himself but can through the strength of a community and the strength of God. You must be willing to accept the belief in God in order for such a treatment to be effective.
Christian Intervention Services
As there is a method for rehabilitating one through Christian doctrine, there’s also a method for staging a Christian intervention. The word “intervention”, and the fact that you have to stage one, connotes a sort of inherent harshness and forcefulness in dealing with the addict. As an intervention is an act of getting an individual to seek help and kick the habits, which he was unable to kick by himself, it is understandable that some sort of force is needed to help him change direction. Sometimes pleas are made, sometimes ultimatums are presented and sometimes the addict is even told that if he doesn’t change something, he will lose the support of all his present friends and family in the intervention.
The Christian intervention method takes a slightly different approach. The set-up is still the same: an individual being told his presence is requested somewhere at some time, with several friends and family members showing up at said time and place, to attempt to convince him he should stop his drug use. But in a Christian intervention, a member of the clergy, who can assume the position of the intervention specialist as well, is usually present.
The key difference, though, is that in a Christian intervention, you have to let the addict know that he/she is loved and that addiction is a just barrier getting in the way of their connection with God.
Philippians 2:4 says “Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” That means that as a Christian, it is your business to look after the interests of others, especially those who can’t look after their own interests, i.e. those who are substance-dependent. This is a workable philosophy to embrace in rehabilitating individuals, for if we were not all willing to help others, rehabilitation would be virtually impossible.